Rolex Daytona

Rolex Daytona

Technical modeling, UV texture, lighting and rendering studies on Maya.

Render 1

I never considered myself a real 3D modeler, but it something I've always had great interest, and many times during my career, I needed a 3D piece for a project or another.

Slowly and steadily, I started following some Maya and Blender tutorials, so I could depend less on 3D artists for simple assets. I started to know my way around Maya relatively well for the type of pieces I usually needed, but eventually I decided to dedicate a week for more complex, technical modeling, lighting and rendering.

That's when I decided to model this Rolex Daytona. I found a great tutorial, and it was the perfect exercise for what I wanted, as it is such a detail rich object. I learned so much in a week, and also had a lot of fun. It makes me wonder if I should study more 3D.

  • Category: 3D
  • Client: -
  • Delivered: 2013 March
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